About me

I'm Minh Duong

Full Stack Web Developer

  • Full name Duong Nhat Minh
  • Skype ID minhdn1102
  • Email minhduongnhat@outlook.com
  • Mobile / Whatsapp +84 976 716 296

I’m an experienced .NET web application developer, who has been working in several enterprise applications since 2015, with a fine knowledge of Database Design, Design Patterns, and Object-Oriented Programming.

I have a solid experience in ASP.NET Web Form and ASP.NET MVC technologies, as well as JavaScript, TypeScript, Twitter Bootstrap, Materialize CSS, and responsive web design. I also have knowledge about distributed programming with WCF, Web APIs, and efficient development modals like Agile-Scrum. My English skill is fluent with IELTS 6.0, certificated since April 2016.

Besides the Full-Stack web developer role, I’ve also been a Team Leader and Scrum Master.

I like to help and learn from other members, good at teamwork and communication. I am also eager to learn and tend to work well within a group.


Programming Languages
  • C# .NET, .NET Core
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
Frameworks & Platforms
  • Angular 2+ / ReactJS
  • jQuery / Twitter Bootstrap / Materialize CSS
  • ASP.NET MVC / Entity Framework / LINQ to SQL / ADO.NET
  • WCF
  • ASP.NET Core
  • PostgreSQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Basic knowledge of MongoDB
Version Control
  • GIT (Github & GitLab)
  • Team Foundation Server (TFS)
  • SVN (TortoiseSVN)
  • Visual Studio
  • Visual Code
  • Brackets
Foreign Language
  • TOEIC 750/900 (recorded 2017)
  • IELTS 6.0 (recorded April 2016)
Knowledge / Other Skills
  • Been a Team Leader and Scrum Master
  • Good understanding and familiar with Agile and Scrum process
  • Familiar with Unit Testing
  • Deep understanding about OOP, Design Pattern, SOLID principles, Dependency Injection, …
  • Familiar with Clean Code and Code Refactoring
  • Good understanding about software design, database design, system design, Restful API
  • Good time management, presentation, and teamwork skills


Scrum Master / Full Stack Developer March 2020 - Present Ascentis Multiple Teams, 2 to 7 members each team
  • filter_drama Description

    Ascentis is one of the top companies that specialize in providing CRM – CMS solutions integrated with Ecommerce. The company has a vast number of clients in the eCommerce industry. I’ve been working for Ascentis since March 2020.

  • place Responsibilities

    During my time here, I had a chance to work on multiple projects for multiple clients.

    For most of my time here I was designated to the BAU team. The purpose of this team is to maintain and execute the change requests for a large number of projects from the clients of Ascentis.
    I was the Full-Stack web developer and Scrum Master for this team. During my time here, my responsibilities are:

    • Step by step, sprint by sprint, to build the Scrum process for the team, so that the process is there to help the team work effectively, not blocking their way
    • Make sure the process is reasonable and well-adapted by other team members
    • Make sure all members understand the process and comfortable while following that process
    • Make sure the team is proactive in getting advice/explanation about the task assigned
    • Helping team members to resolve blockers
    • Code Review
    • Fix bugs, implement updates or change requests
    • Deploy to UAT to verify, request for deployment on Production and verify
    • Working with BA, developers, PO, and testers from other teams, make sure the changes are implemented correctly as the requirements and work smoothly, not break any other business after released
  • whatshot Technologies
    • ReactJS
    • NodeJS
    • Angular 2+
    • Asp.NET Web Form
    • Asp.NET MVC
    • .NET Core / .NET 6
    • HTML, CSS, SCSS, JQuery, JavaScript, TypeScript
    • Team Foundation Server (TFS) with CI/CD
    • SQL Server
    • PostgreSQL
    • Hangfire
    • Orchard Core
A Startup for E-Commerce and payment solutions
Team Lead / Full Stack Developer August 2019 - March 2020 ITE 8 members
  • filter_dramaDescription

    The company is a startup company, focused on building product applications, with the business domain is about handling the payment process for e-commerce websites. The company's business strategy is to aim to the e-commerce enterprises those in need of integrating online payment methods.

    During my short time working here, I was both a team leader and the main front-end developer. I was also working on multiple projects at a time.

    I have gone through three projects here, which are:

    • a Landing Page working as a gateway to routing customer to the payment gateway of the payment type they choose
    • an Admin Management System that allows the administrators to manage the customers' information, their transactions, the sales information, ...

    They are all built using Angular 8, Angular Material and some other libraries for front-end, and .Netcore Web API / Java Web API for the back-end.

  • placeResponsibilities

    My responsibilities and what I have done during the time I worked here are:

    • Help BA to design mockup UI
    • Help BA to clarify and build requirements
    • Design working process for everybody
    • Design business flow and user behavior for the products
    • Involved in the process of design and improve API
    • Main front-end developer
    • Mentor new members
    • Support other members
    • Review code
    • Build and set up servers for the products
    • Merge code and deploy products to servers
  • whatshotTechnologies
    • ReactJS
    • NodeJS
    • Angular 8
    • Angular Material
    • Twitter Bootstrap
    • Entities Framework
    • NGINX
    • .Netcore web API
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • JAVA
    • MySQL
Top UK's Recruiter Company - Reed
Senior Backend Developer June 2018 - August 2019 Harveynash - NashTech 22 members
  • filter_dramaDescription

    For a long time, since 1995, the company has been the best recruiter platform in the United Kingdom. Now they are still one of the best.

    The company provides a service that connects both the recruiters and the people looking for a job in the most efficient way.

    Have been running for a long time, the old service is no longer catch up with the latest technologies and the latest business domains, therefore no longer able to provide the best service for their customers.

    A development team is founded to help improve the company's service to be more efficient and able to match with the latest requirements of the new era. The new development team has 20+ memebers with 2 sub-teams:

    • Recruiter: handing the business for the recruiter to find proper, relevant and suitable candidates
    • Jobseeker: handing the business that allows the people to find the correct jobs and companies that they are looking for
  • placeResponsibilities

    As one of the experienced developers with fluent English communication skills, I was put into the Jobseeker team to handle the core business domain directly with the custsomer.

    • Communicate with the customer to get clear requirements
    • Breakdown customer's requirements to tickets and sub-tasks
    • Refinement and planning for sprints
    • Update code according to the ticket's requirements, for the tickets wich are assigned to me
    • Help and support other team members for their tickets, and for communication with the customer
    • Perform unit testing
    • Frequently reviewing tickets are done by other team members
  • whatshotTechnologies
    • .NET, .NET Core, Webform, MVC
    • ReactJS, KnockoutJS, HTML, CSS, Twitter Bootstrap
    • Dapper, NHibernate
    • Entities Framework
    • Web APIs
    • Web APIs
    • Design patterns (DI/IoC, MVC, …)
    • CI/CD (TeamCity)
Sitecore Team for an Airline Corporation - Vietnam Airline
Full Stack Developer January 2018 - May 2018 FPT Software - FSU1.BU9 5 members
  • filter_dramaDescription

    The customer is one of the biggest airlines in Vietnam and they are in need of updating their services to be more efficient, the development team is founded to help on updating the technologies on the customer's services so that these can operate more properly and more efficiently.

  • placeResponsibilities
    • Study Functional Design Specification
    • Produce Technical Design Specification, Design Input
    • Creating UI with Sitecore and MVC
    • Coding Web API
    • Update and manage stored procedures
    • Coding Unit Test
  • whatshotTechnologies
    • Site Core for ASP.NET Webform and ASP.NET for MVC
    • ASP.NET Webform
    • Entities Framework
    • Web APIs
    • SQL Server
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • JQuery
Sitecore Team for an Energy Provider Corporation - Innogy
Full Stack Developer June 2017 - December 2017 FPT Software - FSU1.BU9 6 members
  • filter_dramaDescription

    The customer is one of the greatests energy corporation in the world. It is the main energy provider for all countries in Europe.

    The team is born to help the customer to manage their websites in order to:

    • Increase their client's range
    • Provide a better and more efficient way for the clients to apporache their services and products
    • Allow the customer to easily control and maintain their websites
    • Allow the customer to have better knowledge about their clients (statistic reports)
  • placeResponsibilities
    • Study Functional Design Specification
    • Produce Technical Design Specification, Design Input
    • Creating UI with Sitecore and MVC
    • Coding Web API
    • Update and manage stored procedures
    • Coding Unit Test
  • whatshotTechnologies
    • Site Core for ASP.NET MVC
    • Entities Framework
    • Web APIs
    • SQL Server
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • JQuery
Top Singapor's Customs - Cargo Community Network (CCN)
Junior to Intermediate Developer October 2015 - June 2017 FPT Software - FSU1.BU1 16 members
  • filter_dramaDescription

    The customer is a Singapore company which provides cargos shipment and management system for the air cargos industry. Their service is used by many Customs around the world.

    Their service allows customers to:

    • Easily connect to all supply chain stakeholders
    • Access to comprehensive portfolios of advanced IT solution
    • Simplify the work in cargos management (shipment details, shipment status, …)
    • Efficient in customs security compliance
    • Business performance analytics
  • placeResponsibilities
    • Study Functional Design Specification
    • Produce Technical Design Specification, Design Input
    • Coding Web API
    • Coding WCF service
    • Coding business logic
    • Create store procedures
    • Coding Unit test script and integrate module
  • whatshotTechnologies
    • C# .NET
    • ASP.NET Webform
    • Team Foundation Server 2012
    • HTML, Twitter Bootstrap, Telerick
    • JavaScript, Query
    • SQL Server 2012, 2014
    • XAML, XML
Career Summary
  • Working with .NET projects for enterprise since 2015.
  • Have strong knowledge of web-based application, software design, Web API, Windows Service.
  • Fluent in English communication – IELTS 6.0 since April 2016.
  • Familiar with Agile, Scum projects. Been a Team Leader - Scrum Master.
  • Went through many OSDC projects. Working directly with customers.


2016 - 2018

University of Greenwich - Computer Engineering Education Programme - Honours Degree

Greenwich Degree
2013 - 2015

Hanoi Aptech Higher Diploma in Software Engineering